Tortilla Soup.png


Now I don’t profess to know how to cook well, but I can follow directions. When DVD players first came out I used the directions to learn how to put a DVD into the tray for like the first 100 times but then I got it! Cooking is the same way. I started out by following directions to the letter and eventually inferred some things: don’t cook garlic over high heat for five minutes, chicken breasts are the worst, and adding salt and pepper makes things taste better. I eventually gleaned these more basic lessons and now I can apply them in such a way that if you give me some basic ingredients, I can cook something that doesn’t totally blow.

This all started when I decided it would be fun to make dumb videos of me cooking along with some snide comments. A very small number of people liked those videos so my head got big and I decided that the doggpound could take those videos then put some dumb words after them to stroke my ego on the internet.

One thing I can tell you is I genuinely enjoy cooking – even the simple stuff. I like to be in my tiny San Francisco kitchen and turn simple ingredients into things that I enjoy and I hope my wife doesn’t outwardly hate. I also like to plan meals for the week. Nothing brings me more joy than figuring out that I can take a bunch of chicken thighs and some sort of slow-cooked sauce and turn that into meals for the wife and I over a whole week so I can avoid the simple joys of going to lunch during the work week.

I’m glad you’re here and just know, between you and me, that you’re gonna do great.