Ribeye Steak

Ribeye Steak

Cooking a steak is stressful. Let’s not beat around the bush, you know it is, I know it is.  We’ve all stood there around a grill and claimed we know how to get it just right (well I haven’t but you get the point). Steak is useless if you don’t cook it just right. You need a great crust and tender meat. The easiest way to do this is to choose a real steak cut (ribeye or New York Strip), make sure it’s cut thick, then sear it hard on each side before putting it in the oven to bring to the temp you want (rare, medium-rare, medium if you screw up medium-rare). This is what I do.  There are other ways to do it but you’re on my site so this is the way I will show you.  Also, I live in San Francisco, this is done on a stove indoors.  For grilling instructions go find someone who gives a shit.


  • 1 Ribeye Steak
  • Salt
  • Pepper
  • Oil

Buy the steak and when you’re about 30 minutes away from cooking put it on a cutting board and put salt and pepper on both sides. Let it sit there, unmolested.  The salt will make it sweat and this is good. It is drawing out bullshit water and giving you flavor in return.

Turn the oven on to about 350 degrees Fahrenheit.  Heat oil in a cast iron or stainless steel (not non-stick!) pan on medium-high heat until the oil smokes. Move the pan around until the oil coats the whole thing then put the steak in there.  It will make a satisfying sound.  You will make a satisfying sound (way to go champ!). Let it sit there – don’t mess with it.  Let it form a crust on the bottom.  After about 3-4 minutes pick it up gently and look at the bottom – is it getting real dark? If so, good, turn it over, if not, then put it back where you found it and re-evaluate your stove temps.

Once both sides are perfectly browned/darkened, put a quick meat thermometer in it and check the temp, it should be about 20 degrees shy of where you want it. Pick up the pan with a potholder and put it in the oven to bring it 10 degrees shy of where you want it.  Check on it every 5 minutes or so to make sure it’s got the right temp. When it’s 10 degrees shy of your desired temp, take it to a cutting board and tent it with foil. Let it sit for 10 minutes while you do whatever. Take off the foil, slice, and enjoy.

Don’t eat steak too often because cooking it is stressful and cows ruin the environment. You’ll forget this when you are eating this great steak.  Also, don’t ever buy or cook filet mignon.

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